



  1. The promotion of acupuncture and the defense and claim of intersects of acupuncturists who have been trained according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization and meet the requirements set by the World Health Organization for the safe and effective application of acupuncture and related techniques (and hereafter called "qualified acupuncturists").

  2. The securing and controlling of the practice of acupuncture in Cyprus by qualified acupuncturists.

  3. The examination and study of all issues related with acupuncture and with acupuncturist's profession in Cyprus.

  4. The representation of qualified acupuncturists and the expression of views and positions on issues concerning their profession.

  5. The promotion or examination of bills, proposals of laws, or preliminary drafts of laws that concern acupuncture, or the profession of acupuncturist's profession, in Cyprus and the expression of opinions and the submission of proposals on all these.

  6. The organization of seminars, lectures, discussions, conferences and congresses on subjects that are related, either directly or indirectly, with the aims of the association or on any other subject of general or public interest.

  7. The research, in an academic and an empirical level, of issues related to the aims of the association.

  8. The collaboration in all sectors with foreign and with international organizations or institutions or companies or associations that have aims similar to the aims of the association and the collaboration with which will help or can help the aims of the association.


22 Arch. Makariou Avenue, CLEA Court, Office 401
3061 - Limassol, CYPRUS

Tel / Fax: + 357 - 25574900